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From the beginning you started as a single cell.

Stem Cell Therapy Headlines

The concept of stem cells was first introduced in the 1960s and 1970s through experiments with bone marrow transplantation. This technique was primarily used to treat blood disorders and certain types of cancer. Bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells, which give rise to various blood cell types.

1980s-1990s: In the 1980s and 1990s, researchers began isolating and characterizing different types of stem cells from various tissues, including embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from mouse embryos. This period marked the early stages of understanding stem cell biology and their potential applications.

Late 1990s-early 2000s: The breakthrough came in 1998 when James Thomson and his team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison successfully isolated and cultured human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for the first time. This opened up new possibilities for stem cell research and therapy. However, the use of hESCs raised ethical concerns due to the destruction of embryos required for their extraction.

Shinya Yamanaka and his team in Japan reprogrammed adult cells into a pluripotent state, creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in 2006. This discovery earned Yamanaka the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012. iPSCs eliminated the need for using embryos and provided a new avenue for generating patient-specific stem cells.

Research into stem cell therapy has since expanded, with ongoing studies exploring potential treatments for a wide range of diseases and conditions. Clinical trials have been conducted for conditions like spinal cord injuries, heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and more. Some treatments, such as bone marrow transplants for certain blood disorders, have become established medical procedures.

Despite significant progress, stem cell therapy continues to face challenges. These include regulatory hurdles, concerns about safety and efficacy, ethical considerations (especially for embryonic stem cells), and the need for long-term follow-up data. The field remains a topic of both scientific and public interest.

Throughout its history, stem cell therapy has evolved from bone marrow transplantation to utilizing various types of stem cells, including embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells. Advances in technology, techniques, and our understanding of stem cell biology have paved the way for potential treatments and therapies, although the road to widespread clinical adoption remains a complex journey.

The United States has been a leader in stem cell research and development for many years but is slow as molasses to develop and approve treatments like other countries.

One reason for this is the regulatory environment in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stringent guidelines for the approval of stem cell therapies, which can be a lengthy and expensive process, especially if it threatens big pharma or the huge business of medicine in this country. People with chronic illnesses are a huge commodity and if we go around curing everybody, well what would that do to the economy?

Research Clinician

Another factor is the lack of government funding for stem cell research in the United States. While the federal government does provide some funding for stem cell research, it is limited, and many researchers and companies rely on private funding to continue their work. In contrast, some other countries, such as China and South Korea, have invested heavily in stem cell research and development.

Overall, the United States is still a leader in stem cell research and development, but there are regulatory, funding, and ethical challenges that still limit the country's progress in stem cell therapy.

The FDA is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services and is governed by a commissioner, appointed by the President of the United States: an independent regulatory body that is, in theory, governed by science and data and is required to act in the best interests of public health.

However, the pharmaceutical industry is an important stakeholder in the drug approval process, and the FDA relies on pharmaceutical companies to conduct clinical trials and provide data on the safety and efficacy of their products. Additionally, some critics have raised concerns about the "revolving door" between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, where individuals move between positions in the agency and the industry itself. This has led to questions about whether the FDA is too cozy with the pharmaceutical industry and whether this could affect its decision-making.

The pharmaceutical industry, also known as "Big Pharma", is involved in a variety of fields related to healthcare, including the development and commercialization of drugs, medical devices, and other therapies. While the pharmaceutical industry has a significant impact on healthcare, it is not the sole determinant of the direction or progress of stem cell therapy.

In some cases, the high cost of drug development and the regulatory burden may discourage some pharmaceutical companies from pursuing stem cell therapy as a viable option. However, this is not to say that the pharmaceutical industry as a whole is standing in the way of stem cell therapy. Many researchers and companies are continuing to work on stem cell therapy and are making progress in developing safe and effective treatments.

Currently, the coverage of stem cell therapy by insurance companies in the United States is limited and can vary widely depending on the therapy and the insurance plan.

At present, most insurance companies in the United States do not cover stem cell therapy, as many of the therapies are still considered experimental and have not been fully approved by the FDA. However, some insurance plans may cover stem cell therapy for certain medical conditions and in specific circumstances, such as when the therapy is used as part of a clinical trial.

Stem Cell Test Tube

As more stem cell therapies are developed and approved by regulatory agencies, it is likely that insurance coverage for these therapies will become more widely available. However, this process can be really slow and may take several years or decades before the therapies become widely covered by insurance and available to more than just who can afford it.

The cost of stem cell therapy can be a significant barrier to coverage by insurance companies. Stem cell therapy can be very expensive, and insurance companies may be hesitant to cover the cost of these therapies until there is more data on their safety and effectiveness, as well as their long-term outcomes and “cost-effectiveness.” Meanwhile people's lives are filled with pain, chronic degenerate disease and death.

While insurance companies do not play a direct role in the FDA approval process, they may indirectly affect the development and approval of stem cell therapies by influencing the demand for and availability of these therapies. For example, insurance companies may be hesitant to cover the cost of stem cell therapy and can make it more difficult for researchers and companies to conduct clinical trials and develop new therapies, as they may struggle to secure funding and support for their work.

Overall, while insurance companies do not play a direct role in the FDA approval process for stem cell therapy, they can indirectly affect the development and availability of these therapies through their policies and practices related to coverage and reimbursement.

Luckily we have a great deal of Medical Warriors out there that believe stem cell therapy holds significant promise for the future of medicine, and there are several ways in which it could potentially change and evolve.


Is Stem Cell Therapy right for you? Do your research carefully before deciding to undergo treatment, consult with a qualified doctor or a few. Ensure that Stem Cell Therapy is the right choice for you and that you are getting treatment from a reputable and qualified provider. It's important to understand that not all stem cell therapies are the same, and not all providers are created equal.

For more information please contact:

Strong and Golden Foundation

600 Rosecranse Ave, Suite 101

Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

(323) 528-5034 •

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